Collaborate with this project

The easiest collaboration method is going to be a buddy system, where two imagers agree a target and an imaging time.  You will have to consider the comet’s visibility and elevation above the horizon, the hours of full darkness, and the start time of the first exposure.

In the northern hemisphere, an imager in the USA paired with one in Europe, for example, would be ideal.  South of the equator, I guess any two of Australia, Africa and South America would be the choices.  The greater the distance between imagers, the better the 3D separation.

How to contribute images

I’m happy to collect, rescale, align, crop and present your individual images in the correct format for viewing through the stereoscope, or you are welcome to do that yourselves.  If you do it yourselves, please ensure that you add your name(s) to the “Left eye” / “Right eye” text at the foot of the image.

Contact me through this page to contribute an image or for help in finding an imaging partner.

If you publish independently, please acknowledge that the idea came from here and let me have a copy of your completed image to add to the gallery.  All image pairs will be shared in Neil Norman’s “Comet Watch” on Facebook.


Image copyright

I would like the entire project to be open and free from non-commercial copyright, so that anyone can download the images, view them and/or modify them as necessary for viewing and sharing with other enthusiasts.  There should be no commercial use except by whoever took the photos, so I’ll be adding this Creative Commons licence stamp to each image:



I hope I’ve got that right, but if you have any other preference for copyright, please do let me know.